Business Tips

One of my favorite sayings is “the only constant is change.” This saying certainly holds true in the business realm where it seems that the mandate is also “growth and go.”

Experience seems to show that upon the purchase of a business the new owner needs to roll-up his or her sleeves and really get to work.

Posted April 25, 2017
Tax Reduction Strategies

With so many possible deductions and credits available to the individual taxpayer it’s no surprise that the possibilities can get easily lost in the shuffle.

Posted April 18, 2017
small business tips

The core problem for every entrepreneur and small business starting out is the same.

They need cash.

That holds true whether it’s a brand new business who needs cash to realize a great idea or a company who just needs to gain a competitive advantage and achieve growth.

Posted April 11, 2017
Heath Care

A Health Savings Account (HAS) is a mechanism for saving money that is specifically earmarked for paying one’s medical expenses.

Posted April 4, 2017